The Ducky is almost ready!

I had my first sweet bite of the duck prosciutto- it was amazing. I have two breasts hanging, one larger than the other, on the bottom shelf of my refrigerator. Having no special fridge or outdoor space for them to dry plus living in the wet, cool winter of the Pacific Northwest, it’s taking a bit longer than I had hoped, but they are getting close. So far, the results are great. Quick, gratifying, and fascinating.  According to the Charcutapalooza Challenge, I’m supposed to be done by the 15th of the month and use the prosciutto in a recipe of my own. I’m pushing it with two days to sneak in under the wire, but I always seem to work better under pressure anyway…

2 thoughts on “The Ducky is almost ready!

  1. I’ve had really good luck putting them in my basement (which is finished and is our movie room) next to a de-humidifier and a space heater during the cold wet months here in Philadelphia. I can easily adjust the temperature and the humidity as needed. Closets are also great to put them up in. Good luck!

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